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Discuss the current status and the ethical issues surrounding social media

Discuss the current status and the ethical issues surrounding social media

Discuss the social media topic Exhibit 5.3 (pg. 138) in our text and discuss the current status and the ethical issues surrounding social media and employee obligations. Be sure to include at least two recent events that have happened either locally or nationally.

Sources :

Textbook Chapter 5 :

Management: Leading and Collaborating in the Competitive World 13th e (loose-leaf)
(Bateman/Snell/Konopaske), McGraw-Hill (2018)
ISBN: 9781260194241
A Pocket Style Manual 8th e (Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers) Bedford/St. Martin’s (2018)
ISBN: 978-1-319-05740-4



Concepts Unwrapped – Ethical Leadership Part 1: Perilous at the Top


Concepts Unwrapped – Ethical Leadership Part 2: Best Practices




How to be an ethical leader.


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Discuss the current status and the ethical issues surrounding social media


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