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James Connelly’s From Print to Pictures was meant to help a videographer create an instructional video

James Connelly’s From Print to Pictures was meant to help a videographer create an instructional video

1. James Connelly’s “From Print to Pictures” was meant to help a videographer create an instructional video, but at least some parts of the process he outlines could be applicable to other types of film, too. Which parts of Connelly’s process seem most helpful to you, given the constraints you have regarding time, space, and other factors? Given your answer to this question, create a “process” outline that could be used to help you shoot video.

2. Social Media Networks that allow users to post video are often thought of as technologies that empower users in some way. However, Pauwels and Hellriegel, in “Strategic and Tactical Uses of Internet Design and Infrastructure: The Case of YouTube,” use Michel de’Certeau’s terms strategic and tactical to explain how YouTube has been used in a political campaign and “call into question the notion of user empowerment” (p. 51). To what extent do you think your social media campaign is empowering you or your organization? Will it somehow empower those whom you are asking to view your content by your sharing it with them? Why or why not?

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James Connelly's From Print to Pictures was meant to help a videographer create an instructional video


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