What are some of the unintended consequences of the ACA

Provide your response on this document, save it in Word or pdf format, and submit to Beach Board under the DropBox for Discussion #2. Add your name to the end of the document you submit …. HCA 451 Discussion #2 Your Name.

Compose a short discussion (500 words) addressing the below questions based on the article “Stopping the Death Spiral” by Tim Hyde. Cite one other source to support your arguments.

What are some of the unintended consequences of the ACA?

Are exchanges collapsing in CA? Have insurers departed since the ACA was passed?

Should insurance policies charge less if you are healthier? More if unhealthy? Why?

What would be the impact of implementing President Biden’s proposed lowering of the cap on marketplace premiums at 8.5% at all income levels?

What is the impact of changing the eligibility age for Medicare – higher or lower. Down to 60 or up to 70? Would you recommend either change? Why?

Please note that this discussion is for the course: Economics of Health.