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How does this apply to assessment in your classroom

How does this apply to assessment in your classroom

Watch the Sir Ken Robinson video at this link: http://www.schooltube.com/video/2cb4889891b0c637f8f8/RSA-Animate-Changing-Education-Paradigms (you will need your volume up)

Reflect deeply on his ideas… Where do you agree or disagree? What stands out to you? What questions would you ask? How does this apply to assessment in your classroom?



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Changing Education Paradigms
According to Sir. Ken Robinson, public education is undergoing reforms in all countries in the world. This is mainly because of economic and cultural reasons. This theory may be right putting in mind that the current crop of students study with the main aim of achieving their economic goals. In the lecture, Ken says that if you went to school………………………………………… 


253 words

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