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Analyze the potential effectiveness resulting from professional or nurse-provided social support versus enhancement

Analyze the potential effectiveness resulting from professional or nurse-provided social support versus enhancement

Analyze the potential effectiveness resulting from professional or nurse-provided social support versus enhancement of social support provided by personal relationship and social networks for parents of children with chronic mental illness.

Please include 500 words , APA FORMAT, NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE, and

  • Correctly identify which student learning outcome you covered in the discussion post that you created for the Week.
  • Make sure that you include it in the beginning of the post and clearly state :”This week student learning outcome was ___” and include out of these five the one that corresponds.
  1. Critically analyze the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theories.
  2. Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories and mid-range theories.
  3. Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice.
  4. Construct a nursing theory that represent current professional nursing practice
  5. Apply nursing theory or theories to nursing research.

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