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Write brief responses to the critical articles on pound’s poem portrait d’une femm

Write brief responses to the critical articles on pound’s poem portrait d’une femm

Write BRIEF RESPONSES (a few sentences, definitely short than pieces themselves) to the critical articles on Pound’s poem PORTRAIT D’UNE FEMME.

Your response might be about a phrase, or term or an idea that you found useful in understanding and interpreting the poem.
Or your disagreement with the piece or agreement with the piece. by “Jeanne Heuving,”Walter Sutton,” “Christine Froula,”Hugh Witemeyer,” and “Michael Alexander.”




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The phrase “your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea depicts that the person in question in the poem is of no great use to the society. The woman in the poem despite having feminine characters, she does not have any identity. People only use her to benefit themselves, as the poem goes on to say that the bright ships left this or that for her. This shows that the things that these ships left her with in the name of a fee were of no significant to her life………………………….

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