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Stern and Axinn summarize policy implemented in the 70’s regarding the “separation” of receipt of cash

Stern and Axinn summarize policy implemented in the 70’s regarding the “separation” of receipt of cash

DB 1:

Stern and Axinn summarize policy implemented in the 70’s regarding the “separation” of receipt of cash and or other assistance being contingent upon the individual(s) willingness or amenability to participate in social service related programs by stating “…separation quite literally meant separation of recipients from the requirement of services offered by professional social workers.”(2017) They go on to say “For clients, separation meant the right to choose service voluntarily, when needed, without fear of losing a grant.”(2017) The NASW supported this tenet for a couple of reasons. First, they state that an individual(s) being subject to participating in said programs in order to receive assistance “undermines the concept of assistance as a right and . . . interferes with . . . self-determination in seeking and accepting service.” (2017) Secondly the NASW posits, “There is no reason to assume that financial need, in itself, necessarily calls for the provision of social services. . . .(2017)

It would be dubious to say that the profession, per se, is broken, however the system, at this time, is. Accountability on the part of the social services profession, as well as those who are consumers of its programs, particularly those who are able bodied and, hopefully amenable to changing their circumstances is crucial. All recipients of social services, (cash, EBT, housing, and the like), should not be held to the same standards for obvious reasons. For instance, the homeless; homeless are delineated into 3 main types: situational, chronic, and episodic. An individual struggling with chronic homelessness due to serious mental illness would and should not be held to the same level of responsibility or accountability as say, an individual facing situational homelessness, perhaps due to temporary job loss or illness. The important concept though, in my experience is that individuals in either of these situations need, in fact desire being held accountable to adhere to treatment plan related tasks in order to feel a sense of independence and accomplishment as they navigate their situation. Insight and accountability can assist them in recognizing and curbing previously maladaptive ways of problem solving. It is the social workers role to recognize each of his or her client’s individual barriers and strengths and help them mitigate and build on them, respectively.

Stern, M. J., & Axinn, J. (2017). Social Welfare (9th Edition). Pearson Education (US). https://capella.vitalsource.com/books/978013429296…

DB 2:

The NASW supported the separation of social services from cash assistance because if clients are forced to participate in social services with an appointed social worker because that social worker is in charge of their cash assistance disbursement, that person is less likely to have the motivation to change and might come to resent the services (Stern & Axinn, 2017). Also, the NASW made the point that not all those who receive cash assistance necessarily require social services so separation allows social workers to have the time to devote to only those that want to seek help (Stern & Axinn, 2017).

I think this separation has mostly helped the social work profession and the poor. It allows the poor to have more autonomy and allows social workers the benefit of knowing that most of the time, unless court ordered, a client is coming to them willingly which means they are more likely to make positive changes in their life. Also, clients have the right to discontinue services, unless court ordered, at any time without fear of losing their benefits. I think it\’s also helpful to not have the burden of accepting or denying applications of those we are providing services for. It seems to me to be kind of a conflict of interest if we were the ones saying yes or no to someone getting aid simply because of human bias and prejudice.


Stern, M. J., & Axinn, J. (2017). Social Welfare (9th Edition). Pearson Education (US). https://capella.vitalsource.com/books/9780134292960

Requirements: 150 words each

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Stern and Axinn summarize policy implemented in the 70’s regarding the “separation” of receipt of cash


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