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As a Marketing Manager, tackle a problem for a company

As a Marketing Manager, tackle a problem for a company

As a Marketing Manager, tackle a problem for a company (e.g., a local retailer who appears to be losing customers).

For this problem, list several research questions that secondary data can answer.

Then list several questions that require primary data.

Note: You have to comment on two of your Peers comments.

Requirements: 250


Respond to these students. 70 words each

first student:

As a Marketing Manager, the questions I will put it:

Question primary data:

-How are products presented to customers?

-How is the product marketed to customers?

-How are customers treated?

-Is there any communication between the customer and the store? Such as WhatsAPP or any social media.

Question secondary data:

-Is the price of the product appropriate to the current situation?

-Is the location of the store suitable for the target audience?

-What do competitors offer different services than us that attract clients?

-Is the product keeping pace with technology and development?


second student:

Company problem: Shoe retailers that are losing customers

Primary data

1. Questionnaires for customers

– How do they like the design of the shoes that are sold?

– What do they think of the quality of the shoes?

2. Store checkups

– Are the products being kept in good condition in the inventory? For example, no damages related to shoes discolored or any visible problems.

– How is the store\’s current environment? Comfortable? Availability of chairs and mirrors for customers to try shoes?

Secondary data

Online research on the current market of the latest shoe trend.

1. What is the latest shoe trend that most people would buy? The younger generation prefers which style? The older generation prefers which style?

2. The shoes from which country is preferable to the customers? Local products? Turkish design? Or any other foreign products


Answer preview to as a Marketing Manager, tackle a problem for a company

As a Marketing Manager, tackle a problem for a company


550 words

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