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Learning styles

This is the place to post your results for the Index of Learning Styles assignment. Discuss the ways in which you can adapt your way of learning to an instructor that teaches in a way that is not agreeable with your learning style. Discuss how you, as a manager, can use results such as Kingdomality and the ILS as tools to understand your employees.Do you agree with the results of the questionnaire for you?  Why or why not.





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There are different learning styles that apply to different people and they play a huge role in determining how much they understand. They also differ from time to time depending on what the person is learning. It is common to find that as a learner, the style used is not conducive for you.  Personally, there are several things that I would do in an effort to adapt. The first of these would be to seek assistance from the instructor (LeFever, 2014).  It is easier for an instructor to give someone instructions on…..


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