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Differences between the three types of memory systems

Differences between the three types of memory systems

Explain how the “Theory of Motor Control” provides a foundation on which a
practitioner can base many tasks and responsibilities.

2. Discuss the differences between Performance Outcome Measure and Performance
Production Measure. Provide FIVE concrete examples of each.

3. Discuss the differences between the three types of memory systems and
provide examples of each memory system.

4. List 3 characteristics that define the difference between motor performance and
motor learning. You are to be specific!
A. Motor Performance

B. Motor Learning

Portfolio Assignment # 10: Essay
Your immediate supervisor has informed you that the budget
funding your position is being cut. Apparently, your job is less
important as compared to the others employed. Your supervisor
has stated, that if you could substantiate why your position should
not be eliminated, your job might be saved.
1. State what your job is. (Teacher, coach, therapist, social worker,
2. Provide a detailed explanation as to why your role is important.
With the knowledge you have accumulated throughout this
semester, provide substantial evidence as to the importance of your
role and its impact on those that you work with. Be specific!
3. Use concrete examples that relate to motor development, motor
learning and motor performance.
Remember, you are the best advocate for your position!
This essay is to be a minimum of two pages in length.

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Differences between the three types of memory systems


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